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Yunhuan Military Simulation Research Institute


This page records the multi-teaching activities of national defense education co-organized by our agency

This webpage is sponsored by Yunlin County National Defense Education Association


Association purpose

According to the school regulations, this club has set up a group for the research and practice of national defense education for the promotion of national defense education.
The connotation of national defense is based on cultivating the spirit of martial arts among members, advocating the law and being pragmatic, and entertaining and entertaining.
Based on the meta-method of promoting military simulation activities, and actively assist relevant units inside and outside the school to promote the whole
The national defense education aims to enhance the national defense awareness and defense of teachers and students inside and outside the campus and the public, and implement the concept of national defense for all.

Photo story: 110 Our agency held a presentation meeting on national defense education achievements of junior college military associations in central China, and took a group photo with former Defense Minister Feng Shikuan and General Guo Lisheng, then deputy commander of the Army Aviation Special Warfare Command.

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Weekly Club Classes

The club sets up shooting stations from time to time every week for shooting sports coaching, cultivates and provides members' shooting ability and extra-curricular stress relief channels, and promotes national defense education for all through entertainment and entertainment.

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Ministry of Education
College clubs​ to drive club activities in primary and secondary schools


The association has obtained the plan of the Ministry of Education to drive the primary and secondary schools, and takes root in the national defense education through college associations, and implements the concept of national defense education through entertaining and entertaining.


​National defense education multi-teaching promotion activities

The association hosts and co-organizes the multi-teaching activities of national defense education in various units inside and outside the school, and implements national defense education with practical actions.

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The Ministry of Education conducts camp activities for primary and secondary school students during summer and winter vacations

During the summer and winter vacations, the association plans and organizes camp activities for primary and secondary school students of the Ministry of Education, taking root in entertaining and entertaining, and promoting national defense education for all. ​

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